Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sea World Day 2

Our second day at Sea World started out at the Sesame Street Bay of Play. This was definitely one of Skye's favorite parts of Sea World. Here she is with Lance on Elmo's flying fish ride. Our climbing girl loved this net! And of course, Lance didn't want to be left out of the fun!

This was probably her favorite thing there. I don't know what they called it, but she spent a lot of time running and bouncing in it! I have a really cute video of her there, but blogger refuses to let me download it.

After lots of play, we took some time to enjoy the scenery around Sea World.

I loved this tree with all these puffs of flowers.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Unexpected Things

When we went to San Diego, we expected to see Shamu, dolphins, and even beautiful things like the beach. But we weren't expecting this: We drove past this field of wildflowers to get to Sea World. We have never seen so many wildflowers in our lives!!! It was incredibly amazing and beautiful. We, of course, had to stop and take some pictures!

I could have spent hours there with the camera, but we did have to get to Sea World!

The Hotel

Every hotel has its pros and cons. The con of our hotel was the bed. It was the most uncomfortable bed I've ever been on. It probably would have been more luxurious sleeping on a rock. However, the grounds of the hotel were BEAUTIFUL! Look at this amazing picture Lance got of this bird with a bug in its mouth! Who knew there were little dinosaurs roaming around San Diego?!
Another great bird-with-bug-in-its-mouth picture!
The flowers were spectacular! There were so many different kinds and so many different colors and it smelled heavenly everywhere we walked!

Skye is still a strong girl!

Lance said this was the best bird-of-paradise flower specimen he had ever seen. I'm not sure any of my pictures of it turned out that great, though.

Stopping to smell the flowers.

I love these flowers. They were in Phoenix, as well.

Another dinosaur!

Another pro to our hotel was the fact that we could walk straight down to the beach from our room.

We (Lance and Skye especially) spent a lot of time exploring, having fun and acting silly there!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Star Fish and Turtles

One of the fun, hands-on activities at Sea World was touching the star fish. Skye loved it. We spent a lot of time here! You could even pick them up as long as you kept them under the water.
I couldn't believe how many different colors and varieties there were!

They were so beautiful!

There were also sea snails. It would have been cool to see one emerge or move around, but the shell was neat, too.

The bright purple sea urchins were cool as well.

Just before seeing the Shamu show, we cooled off in a building with different kind of fish and turtles.

It was pretty amazing watching the turtles swim. It often just looked like they were flying--only under water!

The turtles seemed like such graceful, peaceful animals--until feeding time came. They threw tons of these little squid into the water and the turtles went nuts! They'd fight over them and even chase and attack each other. It certainly changed my view of turtles!