Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Outdoor Adventure Part Two: Climbing

After hiking in Big Cottonwood last Friday, I had to go back. So Saturday, Lance and I took Skye and my brother to BCC for some climbing fun. It was a bit hotter Saturday, but just in case of a freak snowstorm, Skye came prepared with the ice scraper! Here's Travis climbing this ultra fun crack.
Skye had a blast being outside. Her favorite thing was attaching quick draws to whoever was belaying, then weighing them down with rocks so they'd be safe. It was so cute!
Attaching a long chain of quick draws to Lance before belaying Travis.
Me climbing! We did a few different climbs that were all so much fun. It was such a great day and a great time.
Lance climbing.


Cookie said...

I hope you'll have many more fun outdoor adventures! I'm glad Travis could go and begin learning something new and exhilerating! Skye needs to burn off her energy, too! So glad you had a good day.

lance said...

that was a great time. Let's do it again and again.