Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Our Thanksgiving
After the meal was over, we headed out into the desert. It was very beautiful out there.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The Rainbow
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sunrise, Sunset
And this was looking to the east. My camera couldn't totally capture the bright, intense colors, but you sort of get an idea.
I finally had to come in because it started to rain. Poor Lance, he woke up late and wanted a ride to the bus stop, but Skye wasn't awake yet, so I made him ride his bike and I'm sure he got soaked and freezing. Sorry Lance! But thanks for calling to tell me about the beautiful sunrise! And the rain does smell wonderful!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Movie Time
There were some videos I took from out trip to Utah that I wanted to put on the blog, but I couldn't because I forgot the darn cord that hooked the camcorder up to the computer. Now that I'm home, I can put them on. One of Skye's favorite things to do at my mom and dad's was to feed Tobie. And Tobie like to be fed! I thought it was cute. Another tradition that started back in the summer was waving to Pa (and clapping) as he mowed the lawn. To this day, anytime she sees a lawn mower, she claps and says, "Pa Pa."
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Lance's 5 Things Tag
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
going to SLCC
working at web audio visual
sleeping a lot
climbing in climbing gyms
started to jog
5 things on my to-do list for today:
20 pull ups
play with skye
see if there is a basketball game on
make a comments section for ADEQ OWN administrator edits
be a level headed worker in a crazy place
5 snacks I eat:
graham crackers
grape fruit
sniglinshki ho-hiho snacks
100 calorie snack packs
5 Things I'd do if I were a millionaire:
buy a house
plant citrus trees
vacation with the family
find some way to help a lessor
sleep a bit more
5 places I've lived:
lahina, maui
salt lake city, ut
cedar city, ut
farmington, ut
augusta, ga
5 jobs I have had:
car washer
pizza cook
theater ticket taker
pet store helper
grocery bagger
5 people I tag:
travis, traveje, jim, greg, and kimika
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
5 Things Tag
1. Going to school at good old Davis High
2. Meeting lots of new people
3. Getting into Led Zeppelin and just rock 'n' roll in general
4. Playing my flute (haven't done that for a long time)
5. Writing a lot (usually only do journal writing now)
5 things on my to-do list for today:
1. Get some milk
2. Find our hammer
3. Get a new hammer if I can't find the one we already have
4. Get Skye to take a nap this afternoon
5. Clean the kitchen up
5 snacks I eat:
1. Chocolate
2. Chocolate
3. More chocolate
4. Anything chocolate
5. String Cheese
5 Things I'd do if I were a millionaire:
1. Buy a nice house here in Ahwatukee (because I'd really like to stay in this area, but most of the houses are quite expensive)
2. Travel
3. Rent an RV for my parents so they could go on a trip
4. Give some to my church
5. Save some
5 places I've lived:
1. Provo, Utah
2. Kaysville, Utah
3. Ephraim, Utah
4. Cedar City, Utah
5. Phoenix, Arizona
5 jobs I have had:
1. Sandwich maker and assistant manager at Quizno's
2. Editor of "Weeds"--the literary magazine at Snow College
3. T.A. for Professor Christensen at SUU
4. Special Needs Teaching Assistant at Cedar Middle School
5. Oh yeah, and my first real job was working for the Recreation Department for Kaysville City
5 people I tag:
1. Lance
2. Travis
3. Jessica
4. Elise
5. Since there are barely five other bloggers on my blog, I think I'll just leave it at that
Sunday, November 16, 2008
"Friendship is like a prism through which the many variations of beauty are revealed in our lives." --Anonymous
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Playing Fetch
Here's the video from Columbus Day. There is another video and I had combined the two and edited them into one cute, little movie, but for some dumb reason it would work. So instead, here's the raw, unedited footage which probably isn't quite as good, but oh well.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
And I found my old marching band uniform stashed in his basement. Of course, Skye liked the hat!
I Believe in God's Work and Democracy
It seems that Joseph Smith's words were not meant only for his own time. Persecutions are raging and mobs are combining again today. After hearing about the churches the have been vandalized, I couldn't go any longer without writing my feelings on everything that has been going on with the protesting of Proposition 8. I saw a sign of one of the protesters at Temple Square that read, "Proposition 8=hate." I would say that protesting, holding angry signs and yelling angry words, not letting people into their places of worship and defaming their places of worship is what equals hate. I don't believe in same sex marriage, but I would never stand outside of a place where they are being married and hold signs, yell angry things, or vandalize anything sacred or special to them.
The scary thing about the protesting is that it isn't just about protesting the LDS church, it is a protest of democracy and the men who founded this nation as a place of freedom--men inspired by God. How does democracy work? Issues are brought before the people, the people vote, and the majority rules. It may not always seem fair or end up the way you want, but that is what America and democracy is. It is the best form of government there is. The issue (Proposition 8) was brought up, people voted, and the majority ruled. I can't stand Barack Obama and don't believe that he should be our next president, but as an American and someone who believes in democracy, I accept it. I don't have to like him, I don't have to believe in him, I don't have to support him, and I can be afraid of where he and other leaders of this nation are going to take us, but I will accept because that is what the majority ruled. I may fear the worst, but I will hope for the best. (Oh, and just as a side-note, on the news they told how 71% of African Americans in California that voted for Barack Obama also voted Yes on Prop. 8. That shows that it isn't just LDS people and the ultra conservative wing that believe in it. Even liberals who voted for the most liberal president this nation will ever have had believe in Prop. 8.)
I talked to a friend the other day about how I felt these protesters were protesting democracy and she agreed--she put it in a very simple and truthful way, but a way I had never thought of before. She said that it is silencing the voice of the people. The people have spoken--we still believe in "traditional" marriage. Taking this away is taking away the voice of the people. When the voice of the people is taken away, democracy stops working. Some of you may think that Prop. 8 silences the people who don't believe in it. Nope--believe me, we hear their voices--their voices of anger and hypocracy. They want us to accept them and their way of life, but as they have made so clear, they protest us and our way of life. How can they be so blind? But then, I suppose that is what anger does--it blinds you.
I have felt so saddened by what has been going on. But I take comfort in the words of the prophet, Joseph Smith. Despite the rage and persecutions, no matter how many mobs try to hurt us, we won't go away. God's work will continue.
Friday, November 7, 2008
This is a picture Lance took when he went to Sedona last weekend. He said it was sort of like a combination between Zion and Monument Valley. It looks incredible. Yay for red rock country!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween Fun
Here's our little witch! I know she looks like a mean witch in this picture, but really, she's the good kind!
She just didn't like her dress at first because it was too long and she kept tripping on it.
Add to the fact that she was quite tired all afternoon because she decided to only take a very short nap, and it became quite difficult to get a good, cute, smiling picture of her.