I'm so behind on blogging. I just haven't been that into it lately. I may need to find a new way to journal my pictures. Until then, here are some more pictures from Easter. We had a lot of fun tie-dying Easter eggs.
The Easter Bunny brought way too many goodies this year. I just don't know what he was thinking! He also brought Skye an Ariel doll. She had been asking for one.
She didn't get to go on any Easter egg hunts this year because she was on a little mini vacation with Lance the day before so luckily, the Easter Bunny hid eggs all around our yard for her to find.
It was pretty chilly that morning. We bundled Jack up and took him out for the fun!
Hunting for eggs.
Lining up and counting the eggs.
The eggs all lined up.
Investigating the eggs.
It was actually a really fun Easter. I do want to add pictures of the eggs we dyed. They turned out pretty cool. Someday I'll get around to it!