Saturday, March 23, 2013

More From Farmington Bay

Here are some more photos from our fun day at Farmington Bay. This is Skye being an eagle!
Jack just loves to be outside! Hmm, I wonder where he got that from!
 They have a nature center there. One of the buildings is especially for kids.
 Skye had a great time there making animal tracks in the dirt.

And Jack had fun playing with this frog toy.
They had a bunch of animal skins. Is it weird we had so much fun with them? I love coyotes!
 Here's Lance modeling the skunk!
 What a cute girl! 
 What a cute coyote!
 Great blue herons. They have these tall poles for them to build nests on. It's really cool!
I know this isn't the greatest picture ever, but these are swans people, swans! Not geese, not ducks, swans! Seriously, how often do you see a flock of swans flying right over your head? Well, at least for me, never! This is the first time I've ever seen swans in flight. So cool! Yep, we live in an awesome place! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

We Love Living Here!

This is just one of many reasons why we LOVE living where we do--Farmington Bay and the eagles are only a few minutes away! It's always so amazing seeing these majestic birds so close up. And we always love to be outside!

 We saw a ton of eagles this day as well as many other kinds of birds.
 Here are some pelicans.
 Going in for a landing!
 Isn't this a sweet photo? At least for a point and shoot camera. A bald eagle with the mountains as a backdrop! Love it!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

An Update

February was a rather crazy month. Lance's dad passed away on the 6th and the funeral was the following Friday. His dad was already showing signs of Alzheimer's when we got married and had been in an assisted living center the last few years. Although he never remembered me or Skye, we do have some good memories of going to visit him.  One time, he and Skye had a great time playing with this big, inflatable ball and he would let Skye hold his hand as we walked to see his room.  Although I wasn't close to him, I'm sad my kids have already lost a grandparent and that Jack never got to know him at all.  I was grateful for talks two of Lance's step-sisters gave at the funeral that gave me a better insight into the man he was before the Alzheimer's took over.
Alan served in the Air Force.
 Here's Lance's stepbrother giving his step-mom the flag.  He has a career in the national guard so it was really neat to have him do that.
 Even Jack had a good time running around on the mushy ground at the cemetery. My parents were awesome enough to come help keep an eye on the kids. 
 It's a beautiful casket. And he will be buried next to his son, Lance's brother, Farrell who passed away nearly thirty years ago.
 Here we all are. I'm so mad I didn't take my camera back to the church where we had a dinner together.  Both the kids had so much fun running around and playing with their cousins and step-cousins they don't get to see very often.  
The one thing I have to say is that I'm so grateful for the gospel in my life and the knowledge it brings that this isn't the end for Alan and that we will all be able to see him again someday.