I've gotten way behind on blogging. Rather than try to catch up (which I may still do eventually), I decided to start with the latest event which was Skye's 4th birthday. She had her first ever birthday party with friends a few days before her birthday.
My mom got this beautiful cake from Sam's Club.
She invited 8 friends and all but one of them came so it was a bit crazy! We had one game and a craft and they spent most of the rest of the time just playing. I was so frazzled, though, that I barely even got any pictures. I wish I would have gotten a good picture of all of them together, but I completely forgot. Here she is opening some presents.
And here they are getting ready to eat cake. They all wanted a piece with a flower (frosting) on it and most of them just ate the frosting! Even though it was crazy and went by really fast, it was a lot of fun!
Since she invited boys and girls, I decided we shouldn't have a girls-only themed party. Since Skye loves animals (loves would be an understatement actually), I asked her if she wanted a wild animal birthday party. She thought that was a great idea so we got animal decorations like these animal candles...
wish that I could have been there
It was a great party! The kids sure had a lot of fun. You didnt' need much for them to do because they certainly had fun just entertaing themselves on the swing set and in the toy room! But making the puppets was definitely an adventure! It was lots of fun.
I think next year I will tend the baby and Lance can help with the party! I think that's a great deal!
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