Sunday, August 15, 2010

Thursday morning, I went back up to Albion basin with my mom and Skye. We saw this deer eating just below the road. We also saw a marmut (I think) hanging out on a big rock, but it waddled away before I could get a picture of it.
Skye loved all the flowers. It was so cute seeing her play in them.

It's pretty awe inspiring to see a whole mountainside covered in yellow flowers.

I think this picture of my mom and Skye is so cute! I love it!

Can you spot Skye in the background?

We found this squirrel by the car before we left. I know you aren't supposed to feed wild animals, but it was so cute so my mom and Skye fed it some zuccini bread. It sure liked it! What fun, what a great adventure to go see the wildflowers.


lance said...

I was here (looking at this "older post")

Cookie said...

I'm trying to get over the fear and abhorrence of having my picture taken. Thanks for helping me! It was a fun day. I loved being in the mountain with you and Skye! I hope we can do more fun things like that!